Our figures
In our world figures tell a story. Here are some of our key figures:
Under 30
Assurance engagements

An own (and remarkable) organization structure
In the world of accountancy and tax advice Joore is kind of an outlier. Most firms by far have a vertical organization, most often a hierarchical partner structure. We have made the conscious decision not to do so, and we have set up our firm as a horizontal organization, for two reasons.
The success of together
Firstly, our entire team considers it both important and an invitation to constantly work directly with you, the client. The closer the cooperation, the more successful it will be. And achieving success with and for you, is our goal. To us there is no better reason to work together with you.
The success of fair rates
Secondly, the horizontal structure of our firm also has financial advantages. Our overhead is limited, and we do not have the burden of a hierarchical, cost-intensive partner structure. Thanks to fair rates that are related to the types of services instead of the person who performs the services, we can offer added value and control costs. And provide good plans that accelerate your success.

Ger Joore - The founder of our firm Joore Accountants
“Approach your work as a sport!”
We believe in the power of a team
The founder of our firm, Ger Joore, motivated his staff by telling them: approach your work as a sport! Even today this one-liner has a prominent place on the wall of our office. But that does not solely mean that it is only about winning. By being the fastest or the best. On the contrary - we believe in the power of the team that provides the chance and opportunity for everyone to shine. A team in which our clients and colleagues are in the starting line up together.

Supporter of sports and valuable initiatives
Our involvement in sports does not end in the office of course. We have been a proud sponsor of Willem II football club for years. In our own skybox we welcome guests during every home game and we also meet business connections and colleagues at other occasions, for instance during inspiring knowledge sessions and network meetings.
We are also regular guests at Hockeyclub Tilburg. We are the club’s main sponsor, in particular of the ambitious women’s first team, “Dames 1”, that represents the club in the Dutch major league.
Our love of sports is also reflected by the charity we support: Alpe d’HuZes, an annual event raising donations for research into cancer and improving the quality of life for those living with the disease. Joore has been a partner of Alpe d’HuZes for years and motivates colleagues to participate in this very special event.
The Intents Festival is one of the main and most progressive dance festivals in the Netherlands. As a sponsor we annually invite colleagues and business connections for a day full of dance and sensory experiences. Whether you experience Intents as a music enthusiast, entrepreneur or simply as a curious visitor: it is always an unforgettable and intense festival.
Making your career with Joore
Does our vision appeal to you? And do you wish to turn your career plans into a success with us? We are curious to hear more about your talent.
Working at Joore